Tradisang, cultura, cantiga, comeria, palabra

Bairro Portugues de Malacca
tradisang, cultura, cantiga, comeria, palabra...

The Lady of the Immaculate conception.Nosiora de consensang. Nosiora de concencao.

To my understanding, this statue was found way back during the Japanese occupation. When first found, it was originally black in colour. This statue was found by Mr. John Felix. He first kept it in his house. It is said to have some miraculous power but when it was painted,it is not so of a miracle any longer. And when war was over, The people of the settlement decided that this statue should be used for the block rosary. And each family is able to keep this statue for 3 days in their house. On the third day, the statue is carried to the next house. This practice has been going on for  as long as I can remember and is still being carried on till this very day.  Usually on the 3rd day, before the statue is carried out, a small refreshment will be served. Prayers are said on Sunday,Monday and moves on Tuesday,Wednesday(if there is no adoration)Thursday and moves again on Friday. There is usually no prayers on Saturday cause most people go for the sunset mass on Saturday. The feast day for this statue is on the 8th of December. It is usually celebrated will a mass and procession around the Portuguese Settlement,followed by a small fellowship at the hall in the square.
Ki yo sabe,isti nosiora ja encontra na tempu de Japang. Isti sinora kiora nubu ja enkontra sa clor,pretu. Senor John Felix ja encontra kum isti sinora na matu. Eli ta skunde di Japang, Eli lembra pau mas ja ola bong-bong,eli nosiaora de canseng sang. Kiora brigu ja kaba, tudu jenti na Bairu de Portuguese Ja falla, kere bota isti sinora a kaza,ungwa kaza gadra 3 dia. Dia di lantar Nosiora,nos logu da empoku kumiria kum bebe. Rezu nos faze na dia di Domingo,Segunda fera,sai de kaza,na tesa Fera. Kuartu fera,kuinta fera sai sestu fera. Sabdu ente rezo kausi tudu jenti logu bai misa. Kada anu,nos celebra Festa di Nosa siniora de consengsang na 8 di Decembro. Logu teng misa,,kaba misa nos logo lanta Nosiora bai rudia na bairu. Cuma tudu Festa,sabe setu logu teng kumiria kum bebe.


English/Malacca Portuguese(Kristang)

For the future tense,'logu' or 'kere' is used. for the time being,'logu' will be used.

Yo logu santa --I shall sit.

Yo logu impe-- I shall stand.

Yo logu anda--I shall walk.

Yo logu kure--I shall run.

Yo logu kumi--I shall eat.

Yo logu bebe--I shall drink.

Yo logu santa na kadeira--I shall sit on the chair.

Yo logu impe na rua--I shall stand by the road side. 

The old Portuguese Settlement. Bairu di Portuges di Malaca na akeli tempu.

This picture was probably taken in the early 70's. This the view of Cryton road from Canossa convent. Isti pintura ja toma na anu satenta. Isti rua Cryton. Pintura ja toma na skola Canossa. 
Most of the people of the settlement were mainly fishermen. Akeli tempu,mas tantu jenti na Bairo di Portuges, pescador.

The butterfly net today.This is the butterfly net that they use for to catch prawns or shrimps. Langiang nos sibri agora. Is. Sempre sibri para  peska gragok kum kambrang.

The butterfly net used in the 70's.It is of no difference then the butterfly nets that is being used today. Langiang ki nos ja sibri na anu sasenta.Ente difrenti di langiang ki nos ta sibri agora.

This is a picture of the early 70's dance troupe. This dance is during the feast of Sts  Peter and Paul. This is how the stage used to be hand made by our local carpenter. Isti pintura Festa De San Pedro kum San Juan. Nos sa jenti ja faze sa shradu.

The sentences below are in the past tense.

  1. I sat.-   Yo ja santa.
  2. I stood.-  Yo ja impe.
  3. I walked.-  Yo ja anda
  4. I ran.-   Yo ja kure.
  5. I ate.-   Yo ja kumi.
  6. I drank.-   Yo ja bebe.
  7. I sat on a chair.-   Yo ja santa na kadeira.
  8. I stood on the road.-   Yo ja impe na rua.
  9. I stood in the middle of the road.-   Yo ja impe na miu di rua.
  10. I drank a glass of cold water.-  Yo ja bebe ungwa glass di ago friu.
  11. I ate rice today.-   Yo ja kumi aros ozin dia.
  12. I ran slowly.-   Yo ja kure bagar.
  13. I walked fast.   Yo ja anda prestadu.